Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Early Childhood Education in Australia

This unit introduces students to the field of early years education through the exploration of historical and contemporary approaches to the education of young children. Foundational philosophies such as those developed by Dewey, Steiner, Montessori and Petalozzi are critically discussed in relation to their influence on contemporary approaches that inform early childhood education in local and global contexts. Students develop insights into a range of contemporary programs including but not limited to the Reggio Emilia and Forest Schools approaches.
In addition students are introduced to practice guidelines and principles relevant to their specific contexts such as the professional code of ethics, curriculum frameworks and policy documents. Understandings of daily practice are informed by the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child to uphold the rights of the child and by ethical considerations for respectful, meaningful and quality education and care for children. Through critique and analysis of historical and contemporary practices, students develop their own emerging personal philosophy of early years

1. demonstrate understandings of foundational philosophies and contemporary international approaches that have informed current local early years education practices
2. demonstrate understanding of policy, practice guidelines and principles in key early years education documents used in local contexts
3. prepare a well-informed personal learning and teaching philosophy that reflects foundational philosophy and contemporary models of early years education.

I want to become an early childhood teacher because it is my heart’s calling. I want to build my career in this profession not because I just love children. Instead, the driving force for this profession is that it entails more than spending days with little children. The profession involves intriguing study of child development, forming strong teaching teams, building rapport with colleagues as well as learning about family systems. People in this profession need to stretch themselves to create partnership with people from different background with varying beliefs and values.

 My conversation with familiar early childhood teachers in my circle reminds me of their experience where they say that in this work they feel that the classroom becomes communities with their unique culture. It excites me when they narrate their experiences where children puzzle them, challenge or surprise them and then teach them more than they dreamed of.

Years ago my own moment of revelations has come. As a child I was attracted to teachers who always comforted me, helped me in zipping up jackets, hold my hand when I was scared. It was this tiny act of caring from which I learned to trust them. I have learned from my teachers how caring for each other makes us human. They taught me other fundamental values such as sharing, listening, and being honest. I wanted to become teacher ever since I was ten years old. From my personal experience of teaching preschoolers in neighborhood I realized I get strength when I explain them authentically from centre. This experience helped me recognize that teaching is an intimately personal profession. It is a natural antidote to burnout.

I believe that a good teacher is the one who tends to promote the personal, social and academics development of a child and stand as a role model to young children. The attributes of a good teacher according to my experience with them as a learner includes enthusiasm for children, patience and humor, communication skills, respect for difference in children, flexibility and creativity in working. I consider this attributes as necessary as these are the ones that helped me well connect to my teachers during my preschool and kindergarten. It has great impact on my ideas towards education.

I believe in fairness of children which have developed as I reflect on my time as a student where I have experienced discrimination based on culture. This experience dropped my self esteem and I always stayed away from such teachers. Therefore, I believe that teaching should involve “open mind attitude” to build a positive foundation to the children. I do not believe in favouritism. I believe in balancing between the good level of control and strictness and love, care, patience and attention. I believe and value the teaching environment that mirrors the culture, attitudes, values and teaching practice of culture within the teachers.

Discussion of early childhood education in Australia today

Early childhood education in Australia is delivered to children via a range of settings including preschools or kindergartens, and childcare centers. In Australia, accession to early childhood education is more than just participation in service. There is a significant reform in this sector in Australia with increasing attention and investment as its importance being recognized by all levels of government business and community. Children are paramount to the investment decision. Success with this investment ensures sustainable benefits to the broader community, business and individual families (Tayler et al., 2013).

In the early childhood sector “Early Childhood Australia or ECA” is the peak body established in 1938. It represents 2500 members comprising of local, private, community based service providers, individual schools, educators, universities and other organisations working passionately toward well being of the children in Australia. ECA provides quality education in early childhood (Tayler et al., 2013). According to the study of Harrison & Joerdens, 2017) across the Australia approximately 70% of the children education services have received the quality rating and is reported by the National quality framework.

These reports showed that at least 38% of the early child education services are meeting the national quality standards in five of the seven areas of quality. Page, (2016) highlighted that preschool is available to children in their first and the second year of their life. However, there is peak in the participation at 4 years with some participating at 5 years and 3 years age. The main provision of the formal early childhood education and care is the long day care where 30% of the children are of one and four years old and 40% of the children are of age 2-3 years.

According to Tayler et al. (2013) the Australian early child education services should also cover elements of quality and relevance to children. The literature review shows that there is less likely participation in this service by the Indigenous children. The National quality framework introduced by the Australian Federal government provides a formal base when compared with other educational sector. It includes improvement in the staff to child ratio, curriculum development; development of the personnel’s in the field, increased remuneration of the professionals and tax rebates for families, need of higher standard for tertiary qualification and improved financial support for the socially disadvantaged. The early childhood education and care sector in Australia strives to support the social, cognitive and heath development of the children.

Every early childhood education centre has a philosophy that guides the practice. It is developed over time considering the needs of the community accessing the setting. The Early Year learning Framework in Australia does not define its philosophy. It beliefs that there are 3 Bs in which the learning of young children are inherent including “being, belonging, and becoming”. Its values are embodied in 5 principles include respectful relationships, partnerships with families, respect to diversity, high expectation and equality and reflective practice.

There are six guiding principles in which the national quality standard covers its philosophy it is applied across all seven quality areas. Firstly, children rights are paramount, Secondly, equity, inclusion and diversity. Thirdly, the children are capable, competent and successful learners. Fourthly, value cultures of Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders. Fifthly, respect and support the role of parents. Sixthly, high expectations for the service providers and children educators (Page, 2016).

Each child comes from different background with different set of values and beliefs. Therefore, every child is unique and grows at their own development level. I believe that it is the duty and responsibility of the early child educator to understand the “child as whole” and develop the curriculum according to the needs and the requirements of the child. A high quality of environment is required to be built in the classroom. The environment should facilitate the children to learn, grow, explore at his or her own developmental level. In the subsequent section the essay will discuss about my personal philosophy about the teaching style that I believe is best for early child education.

Philosophy of early childhood education

As an early childhood educator I believe in promoting the social, cognitive, emotional and physical development of the child. I believe and value the play based learning. It is an important aspect incorporated in the “Early Years Learning Framework” in Australia. This approach has been found effective by various researchers in developing brain, all types motor skills, facilitate adult child interactions, and enhance creative expression by child (Page, 2016). Play can be voluntary and may involve verbal, mental or physical engagements. An activity can be chosen for play that is pleasurable and enjoyable. Children love to play so this approach is the best method which I enjoyed as a child.

Finding balance between the child initiated and the teacher directed activities is essential. According to the physiologist Jean Piaget, efforts come from the student naturally and it is not required to be imposed on them. The efforts put by the learner are the outcome of the intelligence they have. According to Piaget intelligence undertakes authentic work. Intelligence cannot be cultivated by simply accepting the predigested knowledge (Tourmen, 2016). I believe that it can be done by using the practice approach that is developmentally appropriate. It means that the activities should be developed in a manner that is relevant to the needs, ability, and interests of the children. The same was highlighted in the study of Allen & Cowdery (2014). I believe in cooperating with the child’s family and respect their culture.

I believe that the art of teaching is the true meaning of pedagogical approach and is the best way an educator can teach a child. As per my experience using “positive manner” is the best way to teach or guide a child. The rationale behind this approach is the fact that a child spends most of the time in early child educators and is mostly surrounded by the peers. Therefore, it is the educator who guides the child in the right path. Book does not give guidance or knowledge of what is right or wrong. Books teach how a certain thing can be done but it is the guidance that facilitates decision making in child. I believe that a child should not be excluded from the curriculum based on the cultural background, financial condition and presence of power.

The same is supported by Gregoriadis et al. (2016) who stated that Education should be provided to all irrespective of rich or poor, gender, cost of living, noble or ignoble. I would use the same philosophy in my curriculum as an early child educator. People may perceive that those intelligent may need no guidance. There is no doubt that the stupid ones need instructions to shove off their natural dullness. However, intelligent children without guidance may occupy their mind with what is pernicious, curious, and useless. Therefore, I would avoid discrimination or favoritism towards children and create a positive environment to provide an opportunity for each learner them to grow and learn. For this purpose I would ensure provision of all the necessary equipment and sort of the conflicts in professional manner.

I believe in the philosophy of having “trusting and open-minded relationship” with colleagues, parents, and administrators. I would apply this particularly while dealing with children with special needs. I would respect the demand of the parents irrespective of ethnicity, culture and respect their style of teaching. I would demonstrate sensitivity to wide areas of circumstances. If the administrators and the teachers too exemplify the same philosophy, the child is sure to develop positively.

In order to establish strong base for each child many different curriculums have been developed. Particular curriculum cannot be used for each child. Therefore, the best thing to do is to use a bit of each curriculum in teaching as each has its own strategy of educating a child. One such great teaching style is the “Waldorf Education”. According to Roberto Trostli, while teaching, an educator’s soul-spirit should be in harmony with the temporal body. This spiritual aspect of teaching is in alignment with the concept that a child when born do not completely fit into the physical world. Therefore, the child must be born into the harmony which is the role of the educator. Thus, I believe in this philosophy and would implement the same as an early child educator (Steiner, 2017).

My experience from the Montessori school makes me believe in the Maria Montessori method. She was the first woman doctor of Italy who created objects for physical activity in children such as opening, dusting, etc. This goal oriented activity emphasised by her coincides with my personal philosophy. In this method of teaching child sense of moral can be developed by small errands or work. For instance asking a child to wash hands if dirty is itself an example where the child grows up to excel in meeting society’s expectations and demands on how to behave in life. These ideas facilitate conducive learning (Cossentino, 2017).

There are Montessori curriculums where children are allowed to explore themselves by living and walking. It also based on the theory of Jean Piaget which emphasise on learning through independent exploration of world around them (Tourmen, 2016). For example the knock-knock game of teaching subtraction was very fun and enjoyable. According to Montessori Method there are three stages of learning. It includes introducing a concept by means of book or lecture followed by the processing of information by understanding it through experimentation or creation. Last stage of learning includes understanding the lesson, ability to pass the test followed by the gain of confidence to teach others. I would teach seldom through books and emphasise on environment by capitalizing on interests and excitement of the child about the subject.

The theories of Lev Vygotsky focus on the development of cognition by means of social interaction. According to his theory, in the process of “making meaning”, community plays a central role (Potrac et al. 2016). According to him a child may be more knowledgeable than other adult children or have more experience which must be respected. In such case the teacher must be programmed with more knowledge to meet the demands of the learner.

I believe in this philosophy and would programme myself with more knowledge than the learner does. It is an important concept to facilitate proximal development. This concept refers to difference between what can be achieved by the child through guidance and what a child can achieve independently without any skilled partner. My philosophy coincides with Lev Vygotsky method of developing skills in children by facilitating effective interaction with peers.

Conclusively, an educator is the curriculum because the better an educator envisions a child the better he or she focuses on the social, physical, cognitive, emotional development of the child. Being an early child teacher is to build a foundation for learning and a help a child learn right from wrong. A good teacher is the positive role model of the learner and resolves conflict in the work place in appropriate manner. A curriculum should always emerge from set of different curriculum found in literature as they have already proven to be effective and each has unique style of teaching. I appreciate all the brilliant teachers but I am grateful to those who touched my feelings. Warmth is raw material for any curriculum, soul of the child and for growing a plant.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

How to Revise Your High School Assignment Like a Pro?

 Revising your high school assignment once you are done with it will improve it and definitely make it better. Revising does not mean that you have not written it properly; it is just important to alter things for the better once they are done. Even the best scholars and writers spend a lot of time revising their work and editing it.


You must utilise your time after writing the assignment in improvising it through revising. The experts at Assignment Prime have conducted thorough research and have come out with the best ways to revise the assignment and provide you high school assignment help. Let us have a look –


1. Take a break – You must set some time aside for revision at the beginning itself. Revision should not be started just after you have finished writing your high school assignment. Give a small break to refresh you, and then start revising it with a fresh mind.


2. Revisit the idea – Here, we are not just talking about spelling mistakes to be corrected during revision. You must keep your original idea in mind when you look at your paper and ensure that your target has been duly achieved and it has turned out the same way as you have planned.


3. Check out the overall formatting and organization – While revising, check out whether the word count is within limits, the font and font size is perfect, and referencing is as per the standards. Also, look for the overall layout, including the various sections of the assignment like title, introduction, body, and conclusion. They must have enough information to supplement your idea.


4. Read it loud – You can better find out mistakes when you hear them clearly. Therefore, it is best to read out your assignment aloud to listen to the obvious mistakes you often avoid. In addition, you will be better able to identify grammatical mistakes and sentence formation errors by listening to the content.


5. Plagiarism check – Taking someone else’s idea or content is considered theft in literature, which is intolerable. You may have to bear heavy consequences for plagiarism, and therefore before you submit your paper, do ensure that you have referenced everything properly. Even accidental plagiarism is punishable.


You can also take help from peers or family to get feedback about your assignment. It is also a good way to find out where things have gone wrong. In case of any doubts or if you need any assistance, you can always contact the experts at Assignment Prime. They will be happy to help.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Best Stock Market Analysis

  1. Calculate the daily market return over the last five years from the daily prices,calculate the monthly returns from the daily returns, and calculate the yearly returns from the monthly returns.
  1. Calculate the total risk (i.e. yearly standard deviation of the daily returns).
  2. Calculate the yearly systematic / market risk using the daily returns of the stock and daily return of the market index.
  1. Calculate the unsystematic risk / firm specific risk.Suggest whether this company is a good investment. Answer the following questions while making your suggestion.
  1. a) What is the basis for selection of this stock if you suggest this as a good investment
  2. b) Would you invest all your money into this stock If not, why not How will you address this concern

ABC Ltd. would like to set up a new expansion plant. Currently, ABC has an option to buy an existing building at a cost of AUD 24 000. Necessary equipment for the plant will cost AUD 16 000, including installation costs. The economic life of the equipment and building are 5 and 40 years, respectively. The project also requires an initial investment of AUD 12 000 in net working capital. The initial working capital investment will be made at the time of the purchase of the building and equipment.

The project’s estimated economic life is four years. At the end of that time, the building is expected to have a market value of AUD 15 000 and a book value of AUD 21 600, whereas the equipment is expected to have a market value of AUD 4 000 and a book value of AUD 3 200.

Annual sales will be AUD 80 000. The production department has estimated that variable

manufacturing costs will total 60% of sales and that fixed overhead costs, excluding depreciation, will be AUD 10 000 a year. Depreciation expense will be determined for the year using straight line depreciation method. ABC’s tax rate is 40%; its cost of capital is 12%; and, for capital budgeting purposes, the company’s policy is to assume that operating cash flows occur at the end of each year. The plant will begin operations immediately after the investment is made, and the first operating cash flows will occur exactly one year later.


  1. Compute the initial investment outlay, operating cash flow over the project’s life, and the terminal-year cash flows for ABC’s expansion project.
  2. Determine whether the project should be accepted using NPV analysis.
  3. Do the sensitivity analysis using different levels of change (e.g. 2%, 5% and 10% increase and decrease) of each of the key inputs (e.g., sales, variable costs and cost of capital)
  4. Identify the most sensitive factor
  5. Perform the scenario analysis

An investor undertakes risk in order to get returns from an investment. The return is the form of dividends from the stock and also the stock price appreciation. Risk is the variation in the price of the stock over a period of time. Higher the risk, higher is the return of the stock. An investor normally undertakes the risk return analysis of the stock before investing in a stock in order to know if the returns are higher than the risk. The analysis is done with respect to the market. if a stock has returns higher and risk lower than the market, it is advisable to invest in the stock. In the report, we have undertaken the risk analysis of APA Group Stapled for a period of five years.

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Capital budgeting is a process of determining whether the long term investment undertaken by the company is feasible or not in terms of its profitability. There are various techniques which are used to arrive at such decisions. NPV and IRR are the two most effective and popular methods. A capital budgeting analysis has been carried out for ABC Ltd. which plans to set up a new expansion plant. The decision has been given on the basis of NPV, sensitivity analysis and scenario analysis.

Risk and Return Analysis

1) The daily returns, monthly returns and the yearly returns of APA Group Stapled from the period 1-1-2012 to 31-12-2016 are given in the annexure.

2) The yearly standard deviation for the daily returns of 5 years for the company is presented below:


Yearly standard deviation











(Finance. yahoo, 2017)

From the yearly standard deviation, the total risk can be calculated using the formula:

Total Risk = average of standard deviation of yearly standard deviation

= 17.89%

3) The systematic risk using the daily returns of the stock and the market has been calculated in excel using the excel function:

Beta = Covariance (Stock daily returns, market daily returns) / variance of market returns

= 0.7

The calculations are included in the annexure attached (Finance. Yahoo, 2017)

4) The unsystematic risk or the firm specific risk is the same as total risk calculated above. It is the standard deviation of the daily returns of the stock.

Unsystematic risk = 58.25%

While selecting a stock for investment, the investor should look at the beta of the company. Beta is the volatility of the stock in comparison to the market. It is the change in the stocks returns as a result of a change in the market return. A beta of 1 means the change in stock return is equal to the change in market return. A beta of more than 1 means the increase in return stock return is higher than the increase in market return and a beta of less than 1 means increase in stock return is lower than the market return. If an investor has invested in a stock with beta more than 1, it is assumed to be a risky stock and if the investor is not getting the required return than he should sell it off.

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Here the APA Group Stapled stock has a beta of 0.7 which is less than 1. This means the stock is more or less stable as compared to the market. If there is an increase in market returns by 10%, the return of the company’s stock will increase by only 7%. Whereas if there is a fall in the market return by 10%, the returns from the company’s stock will fall only by 7%, thus minimizing risk. So it can be considered to be a safe stock with low market volatility. Though the increase in stock return would be less than thr market return but when the market return will decrease, the stocks return will decrease by a lower margin, thus making it less risky. Such stocks are suitable to risk averse investor who is interested in undertaking lower risk and can settle for lower returns as well. Also such investors are interested in regular returns in the form of dividends. Moreover, for selecting a stock an investor also sees if the stock is overpriced or underpriced.

An investor will not invest all the money in this stock because the returns would be low for this stock as compared to the market. Hence in order to increase his overall returns, an investor would invest in a more risky stock which would be a growth stock. A risky stock will have a beta of more than 1 and will give higher market returns when the market is rising. And in times of falling market returns, the stocks of APA group will help balance the fall in returns as the returns will not fall as much as the market and thus a balance would be maintained. Therefore, in order to minimize risks and maximize returns, one should have a diversified portfolio of stocks where all types of stocks like with beta less than 1 and more than 1 are present. Also other than stocks, investments can be made in bonds (Damodaran, NA)

Capital Budgeting Analysis

The capital budgeting analysis of the new expansion plant by ABC Ltd. is discussed below:

1) Initial Investment outlay





Working capital


Initial investment


Operating Cash Flows for the projects life











Variable manufacturing costs





Fixed overhead costs





Depreciation on building





Depreciation on equipment





Total operating income





Tax @40%





After tax income





Operating cash flows





Terminal Cash flows

Terminal cash flows would comprise of after tax salvage value of building and equipment and the return of working capital.

After tax salvage value (building)

Cost of building


Useful life

40 years



Book value end of 4 years


Market value


loss on sale


Tax gain on sale


After tax salvage value


After tax salvage value (Equipment)

Cost of Equipment


Useful life

5 years



Book value end of 4 years


Market value


Gain on sale


Tax gain on sale


After tax salvage value


Terminal value

Return of working capital


After tax salvage value (building)


After tax salvage value (equipment)


Terminal value


2) NPV of the project













Variable manufacturing costs






Fixed overhead costs






Depreciation on building






Depreciation on equipment






Total operating income






Tax @40%






After tax income






Operating cash flows






Terminal value



Initial investment



Net Cash flows






Discount [email protected]%






Present value of cash flows






NPV = $13885.2

NPV is the most preferred capital budgeting technique and projects acceptability depends mostly on NPV. Other techniques in capital budgeting include IRR, payback period and ARR. Other techniques also are helpful in deciding the acceptability of the project depending on the nature of the project.

Yes, the project should be accepted as the NPV is positive. Under capital budgeting, if the NPV of a project is positive it means the cash inflows are more than the cash outflows and there is profit from the project, hence it is recommended to accept the project.

3) A sensitivity analysis was performed by using different levels of change of the three key inputs, sales, variable costs and cost of capital. Both increase and decrease in the above inputs was taken into consideration individually and the impact of the same was seen on NPV. The table below represents the change in the NPV values with a change in the above inputs:





Original NPV


Increase in sales




% Change in NPV




Decrease in sales




% Change in NPV




Increase in variable costs




% Change in NPV




Decrease in variable costs




% Change in NPV




Increase in cost of capital




% Change in NPV




Decrease in cost of capital




% Change in NPV




From the above table, we see that NPV is most sensitive to the cost of capital, followed by variable costs and lastly sales. Even by a 2% increase in cost of capital, the NPV becomes negative and the project becomes unacceptable. With a decrease in cost of capital by 10%, the NPV increases by 151%. So we can say NPV is highly sensitive to the cost of capital. If the assumption of cost of capital goes wrong, the whole project may go in for a toss. Hence the company should focus on determining the most accurate cost of capital if the project is to be successful.

4) Cost of the capital is the most sensitive factor.

5) Scenario Analysis

For the scenario analysis, the best case has been taken as increase in sales by 10%, decrease in variable costs by 10% and decrease in cost of capital by 10% and vice versa for the worst case. The results are presented below:


Total Sales

Variables Costs

Cost of capital


Normal case





Best case





Worst case





We see that the worst case proves the project unacceptable.


On the basis of the risk and return analysis of APA Group Stapled, it is advisable for an investor to invest in the company as the company has risk lower than the market and the average returns are higher than the market. It is a good investment for a risk averse investor. But it is advisable that the investor should also look at other stocks which are growth stocks in order to diversify his portfolio. The stock of APA Group Stapled are low risk stocks as the beta is less than 1, hence it is advisable that the investor should also invest in stocks with higher beta in order to maximize his returns.

The NPV analysis makes the project acceptable as the NPV is positive. This means the inflows are more than the project outflows. Moreover the sensitivity and scenario analysis also give positive results to a far extent and only make the project unacceptable when the cost of capital increases by 10% as cost of capital is the most sensitive to the project.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Best Tools to Maximise Productivity & Communication at Workplace

The assessment task requires you to search and locate five (5) sources in total that will be useful for completing your proposal and report for Assessment 2a and 2b. At least three resources must be from reliable academic sources, such as articles or academic journals. The other sources can come from media sites, books, magazines, websites, YouTube and Tedtalks.

These resources must relate to your topic, which is on implementing a digital communication strategy within an organsiation. Therefore, it is important that you have thought about what type of strategy you wish to focus on before you start your research. If you are doing this in a group you must all agree on the topic, but the research is conducted individually. 

Some example topics you might like to research:
Using Social Media in the workplace to communicate
Communicating companywide employee recognition
Boosting workplace motivation through innovative communication tools
Implementing instant messaging/group messaging, discussion forums and chatrooms in the workplace
Podcasts, internal blogs/vlogs as a means to communicate to employees
Using an internal intranet/social Intranet for employee interaction.

Boosting workplace motivation through innovative communication tools (Journal Article)

Communicating with the employees in a proper manner helps in motivating them in a workplace. It helps in boosting the morale of the employees so that they can perform well within the organization and increase their level of productivity, which will help the company to earn profits.

The steps that the management needs to take so that the employees can be motivated is that they can schedule a meeting that is oriented towards communication. These meetings will have a subject that will make the employees feel that the company feels takes their opinions in consideration and makes the changes in the organization accordingly. The employees need to be asked questions so that they can provide their best feedback, which will be beneficial for the company (Serrat 2017).

Once the issues have been identified, the company needs to devise certain ways, which will help in bringing down the level of frustration for the employees. this will mo0tivate the employees to a great extent and they will show their concern in working within the organization. the communication between the management and the employees have to be positive in nature so that it does not result in something serious for which the employees may be ready to quit the organization. This will help the organization to carry on with its daily work in an efficient manner. The concerns of the employees need to be given a patient hearing so that they can explain the problems that they face within the work area. This will help the organization to have a level of parity between the management and its employees (Mazzei, Flynn and Hynie 2016).

2. Using Social Media in the workplace to communicate (Journal Article)

Social media is an important tool that is required for the communication to be effective. The organizations that are effective in nature will benefit from this tool, as they know how to use it, which will help them in absorbing and retaining their employees within the workplace.

The organization can use Facebook by sending out the notice about important meetings that will be held within the organization. it will act as a platform that will help in spreading of information and knowledge to all the employees through a common media (Leonardi, Huysman and Steinfield 2013).

Yammer is another social tool that helps the companies to carry on with their internal communications by allowing them to share the information to a local group of employees or even to the project groups. This network is easy and is helpful in communicating with the employees at a real-time basis. The company blogs are a useful tool that helps in communicating with the employees. The information about the company is listed in their sites, which will provide full insights to the employees who are looking for some information about the company. The blogs also act as a gateway, which helps in conducting survey sessions with the employees so that the companies can take necessary steps in securing the employees in the workplace and even retaining them (O’Leary 2016).

3. Podcasts, internal blogs/vlogs as a means to communicate to employees (Website)

Podcasts help in connecting the employees who are difficult to reach in an organization especially the ones who are not in front of the computers during their working hours. The only device that these employees have is their mobile phones, which acts as a great method of communication tool if podcasts can be used. It is also very useful for the top managements who are shy to come in front of the camera to express their opinions about the performance of the organization. These executives can use the podcasts by lending their voice and expressing their interests in communicating with the employees (Miller, 2017).

The employees have to take note about the opinions that the executives of the organization are trying to share with them so that it can help them in performing better within the organization. The employees too can express their interests if they feel that they are being treated wrongly within the organization via podcasts and make sure that necessary actions are taken to solve the issue in a better manner. This will help the organization to retain its goodwill as well as its employees so that the production within the workplace is not hampered and that the company can maintain its position in the commodity market (, 2017).







This process is reliable

The reliability level is less

There is an absence of reliability


Highly assured

Medium assurance

Low assurance


Executives and employees

Executives and employees

Executives and employees


High level of empathy

Medium level of empathy

Low level of empathy


Prompt response action

Response takes place gradually

Response is very slow

Reference List 2017. Two great reasons to use podcasts for internal communications – Good Company Blog. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Jun. 2017].

Leonardi, P.M., Huysman, M. and Steinfield, C., 2013. Enterprise social media: Definition, history, and prospects for the study of social technologies in organizations. Journal of Computer?Mediated Communication, 19(1), pp.1-19.

Mazzei, M.J., Flynn, C.B. and Haynie, J.J., 2016. Moving beyond initial success: Promoting innovation in small businesses through high-performance work practices. Business Horizons, 59(1), pp.51-60.

Miller, R. 2017. How to understand internal communication - INFLUENCE. [online] INFLUENCE. Available at: [Accessed 24 Jun. 2017].

O'Leary, D.E., 2016. KPMG Knowledge Management and the Next Phase: Using Enterprise Social Media. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, 13(2), pp.215-230.

Serrat, O., 2017. Harnessing creativity and innovation in the workplace. In Knowledge Solutions (pp. 903-910). Springer Singapore.